Top 5 Reasons to Get More Vitamin D

Some people think of Vitamin D as “sunshine in a pill.” At least for me, I know this is what I used to think when I would get cabin fever when I lived up in Vermont.   However, Vitamin D has a lot more benefits than most of us are aware of and below are 5 goodContinue reading “Top 5 Reasons to Get More Vitamin D”

5 Slim Down Strategies to Get a Lean Belly–FAST!

  Since I’m creeping to 30 this year, I recently started paying a little more attention to my health, so you may see some health-related blogging from me. Hopefully it’s a win-win for us because health it is something we all should pay closer attention to, especially if we want to live long, healthy lives, whichContinue reading “5 Slim Down Strategies to Get a Lean Belly–FAST!”

5 Tips on How To Eat Less

According to Women’s Health magazine, 80% of people who lost weight and kept it off had something in common: they ate less. Below are some simple tricks to cut back: 1. TURN OFF THE TV. Researches at UMass found that people watching TV consume 300 more calories while watching TV. 2. SLOW DOWN. Cut calorieContinue reading “5 Tips on How To Eat Less”