Need Office Furniture? Check out the Top 10 Office Furniture Retailers/Contractors in Austin

by Molly Greaves Need Office Furniture? Check out the Top 10 Office Furniture Retailers/Contractors in Austin ranked by office furniture revenue in 2006. Got this list from the Austin Business Journal 2008 Book of Lists. 1. Rockford Business Interiors 442-0703   2.  Workplace Resources of Austin 472-7300 3.  Furniture Marketing Group Inc. 908-4600 4.  Shelton-KellerContinue reading “Need Office Furniture? Check out the Top 10 Office Furniture Retailers/Contractors in Austin”


by Molly Greaves  ***Please note…I think this cat picture is really silly and not even my style really, but I’ve recently learned how popular “cats” are online and how many hits they get each day. So, for all of those cat fans out there, consider this a FW: for YOU. I recently helped my friendContinue reading “AUSTIN’S TOP 10 COMMERCIAL MOVING COMPANIES”

Top 25 Women-Owned Businesses in Austin 2008!

by Molly Greaves I wanted to share with you the Top 25 Women-Owned Businesses in Austin, ranked by 2006’s gross revenue.  This list is courtesy of Austin Business Journal’s Book of Lists (2008). Way to go to these women! 1. Austin Ribbon and Computer Company   2. Ervins Personnel Consultants Inc 3. T3 (The Think Tank)Continue reading “Top 25 Women-Owned Businesses in Austin 2008!”

10 Critical Questions Every Investor Should Ask

By Molly Greaves I dont know much about Fisher investments, so I decided to try and change that. So, I recently called them to get some information, including their annual report.  I received the information in the mail the other day, and wanted to share with you what they deem the 10 Critical Questions EveryContinue reading “10 Critical Questions Every Investor Should Ask”

Top 25 Architecture Firms In Austin

by Molly Malone There’s tons of new construction going on in Austin right now, and in case you’re about to hop into the mix, here is the list of the  Top 25 Architecture Firms in the Austin area as per Austin Business Journal’s Book of Lists 2008. 1. PageSoutherland Page LLP 2. Graeber Simmons &Continue reading “Top 25 Architecture Firms In Austin”

7 Investments You Need To Be Properly Diversified In Today’s Market

By Molly Malone With a tough market and economy like we’re in currently, the last thing you want to do is complicate your investments; many of you already find your investments too complicated and hard to understand as it is. Many newbie investors like you, have investments in numerous accounts, hoping that you’re diversified enough to handle marketContinue reading “7 Investments You Need To Be Properly Diversified In Today’s Market”