What is COMPOUNDING INTEREST and How It Can Benefit YOU!

  By Molly Greaves If read my posts regularly, you’ve probably noticed that I always say ” if time is on your side.” That’s because when you’re so lucky and don’t even realize the opportunities you have to create a large abundance of wealth. That’s because the sooner you start saving, the more time yourContinue reading “What is COMPOUNDING INTEREST and How It Can Benefit YOU!”

So You Want To Be An ENTREPRENEUR? Don’t Jump In Unprepared…

By  Molly Greaves: Another GREAT resource from The Acton MBA program website                 “Bubba,” he asks, “how in the world did you make so much money?”  “It’s easy,” Bubba replies. “I make these widgets for one cent each, sell them for four  cents each, and I sell aboutContinue reading “So You Want To Be An ENTREPRENEUR? Don’t Jump In Unprepared…”

How to Place a Fraud Alert if You Think Your ID Has Been Stolen

By Molly Greaves Lucky for you, I’ve already gone through this process. Yes, my identity was stolen.  By a college buddy, in fact! I went to a smaller, private Catholic school, and my “good friend,” of three years made me her victim. Her name was/is Kate Heiple from Lexington, KY.  I was wondering why in the heckContinue reading “How to Place a Fraud Alert if You Think Your ID Has Been Stolen”

Your Investment Portfolio: Changing With Your Career

By Molly Greaves     June 2008 Money Magazine says that in your: EARLY TO MID-CAREER, your portfolio should look close to this: 40%   Blue-Chip U.S. Stocks     30%   Blue-Chip Foreign Stocks 10%   High Quality Bonds 5%     Inflation-protected bonds 5%    Cash 5%    Value 5%   Small-Cap  Continue reading “Your Investment Portfolio: Changing With Your Career”

Your Credit Card Interest Rate and Your Savings Account

By Molly Greaves So what is one to do if they have credit card debt, but want to start saving too?  It comes down to your interest rates. I mean the interest rates on all of your credit cards where you have debt (aka owe a balance), and also the interest rate you’re receiving from your savingsContinue reading “Your Credit Card Interest Rate and Your Savings Account”

Top 10 Environmental Issues

By Molly Greaves Daniel C. Esty and Andrew S. Winston are the authors of this new book Green to Gold, which I started andfinished today.  Here’s what they claim are the Top 10 Environmental Issues facing us today: 1. Climate Change 2. Energy 3. Water 4. Biodiversity and Land Use 5. Chemicals, Toxics and Heavy Metals 6. Air PollutionContinue reading “Top 10 Environmental Issues”