It’s because it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.

by Molly Greaves I could walk into Neiman’s and buy pretty much anything I wanted. But I would NEVER do that.  Since I wasn’t born rich, I advocate moderation and discipline as a way to build wealth. It’s because it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. I’m talking about cutting back on little extravagencesContinue reading “It’s because it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep.”

Economic Week in Review: Summer Doldrums Continue–Week Ending Friday July 11, 2008

posted for your information by Molly Greaves. Information comes to you via Vanguard.  ———————————————— Economic Week in Review: Summer doldrums continue ————————————————- It was a light week for economic reports, giving analysts a short mid-summer breather. On Wall Street, the stock market’s swoon deepened, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly dipping below 11,000 forContinue reading “Economic Week in Review: Summer Doldrums Continue–Week Ending Friday July 11, 2008”

INFLATION–Current Rate AND Keeping YOUR Purchasing Power…

  By Molly Greaves If the inflation rate grows faster than your investment’s rate of return, it can cause your savings–and your purchasing power–to erode. To maintain your purchasing power, you need to earn a rate of return higher than the inflation rate. Currently, the US inflation rate is about 4%. 

What is COMPOUNDING INTEREST and How It Can Benefit YOU!

  By Molly Greaves If read my posts regularly, you’ve probably noticed that I always say ” if time is on your side.” That’s because when you’re so lucky and don’t even realize the opportunities you have to create a large abundance of wealth. That’s because the sooner you start saving, the more time yourContinue reading “What is COMPOUNDING INTEREST and How It Can Benefit YOU!”

What the FICO Folks Care & And How YOU Can Do What THEY Want To Make Your Life Cheaper In The Long-Run

  1. Pay on time.  This counts for 35% of your score. Even paying the minimum amount counts. All of my bills are set up to automatically get paid when they are due. Not sure if you’ll have enough money in your account to cover your bills? At least have the minimum amount deducted so youContinue reading “What the FICO Folks Care & And How YOU Can Do What THEY Want To Make Your Life Cheaper In The Long-Run”

I Closed My Credit Card, But Did I Really?

  By Molly Greaves When you ditch your credit card company via phone, make sure you have them send you a letter in the mail re-affirming the conversation that you’re ending it between the two of you.  Until you receive this confirmation, you should assume you’re still in your “relationship” with them, and that theyContinue reading “I Closed My Credit Card, But Did I Really?”

NO RISK, Best Return On Credit Cards

Pay off your highest-interest credit card debt. The return on your investment is the interest that you no longer have to pay. I read once that they average rate on a typical credit card is 13.9%. It may be different, hopefully not worse (although probably). Assuming that number is still accurate, the INTEREST SAVINGS on a $5000Continue reading “NO RISK, Best Return On Credit Cards”

PMI- Private Mortgage Insurance

By Molly Greaves In a perfect world, you dont want to borrow more than 80% of your home’s value. If you do, you’ll end up picking up the cost of PMI.  Look at how it can add up. Quickly too! PMI for a $250,000 home with only 15% down: $57/month. Times that by 52 (amountContinue reading “PMI- Private Mortgage Insurance”

Types of Stocks

by Molly Greaves Investors use a variety of methods to classify a group of stocks including. Growth vs. Value Company Size (market cap like: large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap) Geographic location (domestic vs. international) Industry Sector or Group (Health Care, Financial, Energy, Technology are all examples) All are important to a diversified portfolio. 

A Roth Will Create a Better Legacy For Your Family Than a Traditional IRA Will

  By Molly Greaves I’d heard a Roth IRA is just about the best financial gift you could ever give to your kids so I did some research…  Here’s why: Your assets in your Roth dont have to be tapped at any time during your lifetime, should you be so lucky, and when your kidsContinue reading “A Roth Will Create a Better Legacy For Your Family Than a Traditional IRA Will”