3 Speaker Luncheon WITH ABTA (Austin Business Traveler’s Association). Should Be Another Great Event

July 8 at the Omni Southpark in Austin…Maybe I’ll see you there…

“Yep, it is a motley crew indeed, but don’t mistake these 3 for what you might see on the bulletin board in your local post office.  They are actually our featured speakers for July, and all have semi-legitimate ties to NBTA.  First on the billing is our own Kevin Maguire, who also moonlights as the President of NBTA, and who will be sharing with us all the efforts and accomplishments of our national organization.  Next up, Shane Downey, the NBTA Manager of Government Relations.  Shane is a past speaker at ABTA and will provide us with a great overview of the inner workings of the NBTA PAC and how and which legislative issues are selected for action – – whether it be to support or oppose.  And last, but certainly not least, is Scott Solombrino, the President of Dav El Transportation, and the President of the NBTA Allied Leadership Council.  Scott, also a past speaker at ABTA, brings us his passion and knowledge of the PAC program, as well as his personal insight to legislative issues and the political process.”

 Event Link:  http://www.austinbta.org/events/links/EUH3502


This should be a great event. This will be my 3rd time hanging with the group, and I’m sure it will be just as good as the last two times. This group is full of some very smart,  well-respected,  passionate and professional people that I’ve learned a ton from so far. The best part is that they also know how to have fun! Tons actually!

I went to my first meeting thinking it was for “people in business that like to travel,” but learned when I got there that it was for “people that work in the travel industry.” Hahah.  Anyway, when I explained the confusion, they were like “who cares, join the party!” and so I did and had such a blast. When these fine travel industry folks aren’t working hard at work, they’re out enjoying Austin, doing things like hotel hopping in party buses, and hosting bonfires at hotels. Good, wholesome fun. 

They’re having a speaker series this month at the Omni near Southpark in Austin. I’m not familiar with the area, but am excited to attend. I called ahead to see if there were any volunteer opportunities too. 

Published by Molly Graves

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